6 Health Secrets to Getting More from Gratitude
"Expectations are the root of all evil." -- Wise Childhood Friend After years of practice as a holistic doctor, I have learned one thing...

The Single Most Important Thing You Can Do for Your Health
Devastatingly, the busier we become, the more we tend to isolate. It has been suggested that many of us fill our schedules with busyness, j

Easing Stage Fright with Homeopathy
​​Homeopathy seems to be one of the most misunderstood types of alternative medicine. This misunderstanding leads most people to either...

The 6 Health Secrets to Recovering & Creating Resiliency
Something shifted recently. After years of trying to heal the wounds of life’s traumas and challenges over the past 10 years, my...

The 6 Health Secrets to Healing Grief
​​There are so many things that I didn't understand about healing from grief until this year. Before this year, I had so many words of...

Grief: What to Say and Do for a Loved One
Looking for some ideas on what to say or do when someone you care about is grieving the sudden death of a loved one? It doesn't seem...